
  Dollar Tree Sold Lead-Contaminated Applesauce: A Call for Accountability Dollar Tree has come under fire for failing to remove lead-contaminated applesauce pouches from their shelves for nearly two months after a recall was issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This alarming oversight has sparked widespread concern and calls for stricter accountability. The...

  The tragic implosion of the Titan submersible, operated by OceanGate, marks its one-year anniversary today. As we revisit this devastating incident, it’s important to understand the legal implications and the role of waivers signed by the passengers. Personal injury lawyer Miguel Custodio sheds light on this complex legal landscape. The Legal Context: A Year...

Popular soda brand Poppi is under fire as a former customer has initiated a lawsuit alleging that the company’s health claims are misleading. With slogans like “Be Gut Happy. Be Gut Healthy” and “For a Healthy Gut,” Poppi advertises its soda as a gut health booster. These claims hinge on the inclusion of 2 grams...

Celebrate National Safety Month with Lifesaving Tips and Resources June marks National Safety Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of safety in all areas of life. The National Safety Council (NSC) has been leading this initiative since 1996, and it has grown from a focus on workplace safety to a comprehensive...

It’s Time To Defuse The Ticking Time Bomb Of US Landfills   By Vineet Dubey (June 5, 2024)   Last year, a landfill in St. Clair County, Alabama, burned underground for more than four months, polluting the air for miles.[1] Instead of working to stop the inferno, state and local authorities spent weeks pointing fingers...

Panera’s Charged Lemonade: A Growing Controversy Panera Bread’s highly caffeinated Charged Lemonade has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. On May 20, the fourth lawsuit was filed against the chain, highlighting the dangerous health risks associated with this popular beverage. This time, the victim is 18-year-old Luke Adams from Pennsylvania, who went into...

The Unseen Threat to Firefighters- PFAs  Firefighters face numerous daily risks, but a hidden danger in their protective gear and firefighting foam raises alarming concerns. PFAS, known as “forever chemicals,” are linked to cancer and are found in aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF) and firefighter gear. These chemicals are not only a threat to their health...

Toxic Car Seat Chemicals: A Hidden Health Hazard A startling revelation from the journal of Environmental Science and Technology has brought to light a hidden health hazard: toxic chemicals being released from car seats. This exposure, linked to flame retardants in car seat foam, raises serious concerns about the safety of a common protective measure...

The Urgent Need for Legislation Congress recently introduced the Baby Food Safety Act of 2024, a vital step towards preventing infants and toddlers from being exposed to harmful heavy metals in their food. This legislative effort is crucial in addressing a persistent issue that has previously been neglected despite the severe health risks it poses...

Introduction: A Leap Forward in Auto Safety In a monumental move to make our roads safer, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) introduced a groundbreaking regulation to transform vehicle safety standards. The regulation aims to reduce rear-end collisions on the road across the United States. Understanding the New Auto Safety Rule The new Federal...