Long Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

When you’ve been injured in an accident, working with a Long Beach personal injury lawyer from Custodio & Dubey LLP may be a smart decision to make. A lawyer can help you calculate your personal injury losses and win the settlement you need.

The victims of personal injury accidents often experience immense damages and suffering as a result of their accident and injuries. If you’ve been injured in an accident, you’re already aware of how an accident can change your life. This event can break apart your life, and you are left trying to figure out how to put the broken pieces back together again.

Bringing an injury claim against the person who caused your Long Beach accident is one of the ways to course correct after your life has been thrown out of whack. Your claim can provide you with the monetary compensation you need to get back on your feet. But first you have to win your settlement. Our team can help.

Who Do You Bring Your Injury Claim Against?

Accidents often happen so quickly that it’s difficult to figure out what happened and who was to blame. You will need to find out what happened, though, so that you can learn who is responsible for your accident. Investigation is a key step in finding the cause of your accident.

Your Long Beach injury attorney can assist you in investigating your accident and finding evidence to prove fault. There are many different types of accidents a person can be injured in, so your case type will determine the types of parties that could be liable for your injuries. Cases we handle include but are not limited to:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Auto wrecks
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Commercial truck crashes
  • Motorcycle collisions
  • Product-related injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Dog attacks

Serious Injuries and How They Can Affect Your Settlement

Injuries can cause your life to be upended. For starters, they are painful and can limit your mobility. If you’re dealing with pain and can’t move around or function on a normal level, you won’t be able to work or enjoy your life. You are also probably dealing with the financial costs of your injuries, which can jeopardize your financial stability for many years.

A Long Beach injury lawyer at our office can work to see that all your losses are accounted for in your injury claim. Some common losses associated with injury accidents are pain and suffering, mental trauma, medical bills, property damage, lost income, and permanent disability.

Get in Touch with a Personal Injury Attorney in Long Beach

Different types of accidents can cause serious injuries, and your claim may not be easy to win. That doesn’t mean you should give up on winning the settlement you’re owed. When you didn’t cause an accident, you have the right to go after the person who did through an injury claim.

We invite you to call us today to arrange a free and confidential consultation with a Long Beach personal injury lawyer at (888) 280-8029