Bakersfield Child Injury Lawyer

Children frequently sustain injuries in ways that adults might not. Their developing brains can make it challenging to recognize risks or have good judgment until it is too late. What’s more, their smaller stature can also lead to more serious injuries than an adult might experience from the same incident.

However, if negligence played a role in your child’s injury, it is time to seek legal help. A skilled personal injury attorney could advise you of your options. Contact a Bakersfield child injury lawyer to seek compensation for your child’s injuries.

Common Causes of Childhood Injuries

There are countless situations that can lead to a child’s serious injuries. Whether they might result in a viable case for compensation depends on the presence of negligence. If another person’s carelessness led to an injury, a child could be entitled to compensation. Some situations that frequently lead to childhood injuries include:

With the help of a Bakersfield child injury attorney, it may be possible to make a case for negligence and secure fair financial compensation. Doing so requires proof that an adult broke their legal duty to protect the child from harm. This can occur in different circumstances. For example, a motorist has a duty to drive safely, while a property owner is required to resolve dangerous hazards on their land that are likely to attract children.

Owing a child a duty of care is only the first step in a successful negligence case. The plaintiff will also need to show that the defendant breached this duty. Successful claims also require a connection between the child’s injuries and the acts of another person, which is known as causation. Finally, there must be compensable damages stemming from the accident.

Damages in a Child Injury Case

If a Bakersfield child injury attorney can show that negligence was to blame for an accident, they could recover financial compensation from the responsible party. The types of damages available vary from one case to another, but some common examples include the following:

Medical Costs

The cost of medical care is often a top priority in these cases. Children with permanent injuries could face decades of necessary treatment. A successful negligence claim can cover both past and future medical expenses.

Pain and Suffering

There may also be damages based on a child’s physical and emotional suffering. From broken bones to burns, serious injuries can lead to lasting or even chronic pain. There is no uniform way to place a value on pain and suffering, but an attorney can establish how it has impacted a child’s life emotionally.

Talk to a Child Injury Attorney in Bakersfield Today

If your child was hurt due to another person’s carelessness, you have the right to pursue legal action and recover damages on their behalf. The right attorney could make a difference in the amount of compensation you are able to recover. Reach out to a Bakersfield child injury lawyer from CD Law today.